IL DALAI LAMA IN ARUNACHAL, UNO SCHIAFFO PER PECHINODalai LamaL’ annuncio di una prossima visita del Dalai Lama nell’ Arunachal Pradesh - in marzo o forse aprile - ha aperto l’ ennesima polemica tra India e Cina.12-March-2017Beniamino Natale
Baloch and the CPECChina-Pakistan RailwayThe CPEC consists in a series of motorways, railways and power stations that connect Kashgar, in Xingjang to Gwadar in Balochistan.03-March-2017Francesca Marino
War for PeacePakistan ArmyJamaat-ul-Ahrar, a faction of the Taliban recently announced attacks on institutions across Pakistan under the slogan of ‘Operation Ghazi’.03-March-2017Yasmeen Aftab AliThe writer is a lawyer, academic and political analyst.
ad interim Bangladesh's Prime Minister Muhammad YunusBangladesh: Hindu Minority Festival Marred by Desecration and Damage
How Trudeau's Vote Bank Politics Has Left Sikh Minorities High and DryIndia-Canada: How Trudeau's Vote Bank Politics Has Left Sikh Minorities High and Dry