Operation Raddulfasad launched across PakistanPakistan ArmyPakistan has launched the Raddulfasad after the current deadliest attack on the Lal Shehbaz Qalander25-February-2017Malik AchakzaiResearcher and analyst on conflict, culture, climate change, Human Rights in #AfPak region.
Pakistan and death penaltygallowsPakistan has become the third ranking country in terms of executions.17-February-2017Tushar Ranjan Mohanty Research Associate, Institute for Conflict Management
First it was BalochistanmissingThe case of missing people, from Balochis to bloggers17-February-2017Francesca Marino
ad interim Bangladesh's Prime Minister Muhammad YunusBangladesh: Hindu Minority Festival Marred by Desecration and Damage
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