IL XINJIANG, UNA PRIGIONE A CIELO APERTOChinesePassportNegli ultimi mesi il regime di legge marziale di fatto che esiste dal 2009 ha subito un’ ulteriore stretta. Per I residenti uighuri è sempre più difficile avere un passaporto.20-December-2016Beniamino Natale follow at @beniaminonatale
When good terrorists enter politicsfotopakterror1.jpegThe world is grappling with the challenge to contain Islamic extremism and stop terrorist attacks, but civilian and military in Pakistan are still competing with each other to provide support and legitamacy to terrorist groups,12-December-2016One of our Stringers
From Italy with lovefotoLiT.jpegIt happened first in 2008, after the Mumbai attack: money and Sim cards used by terrorists had been tracked back to Italy. Same is happening now, for the Uri attack12-December-2016Francesca Marino tweets at @francescam63
ad interim Bangladesh's Prime Minister Muhammad YunusBangladesh: Hindu Minority Festival Marred by Desecration and Damage
How Trudeau's Vote Bank Politics Has Left Sikh Minorities High and DryIndia-Canada: How Trudeau's Vote Bank Politics Has Left Sikh Minorities High and Dry